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status update

Sunday, September 23, 2007

I'm still alive — though you wouldn't know it to visit my site (brushes away cobwebs and breaks off a chunk of rotted wooden support beam). I've been extremely busy with home and work. My sister and niece came down from Des Moines for a wonderful week-and-a-half visit and returned home just yesterday. I managed to swing three days off during the visit despite being steeped in a relatively demanding project (particularly demanding for me as it's my first foray into WPF production work — thankfully, I've gotten lots of encouragement and some good old-fashioned hand-holding from the lead dev, whose name is also Lee.)

I also survived the densest part of the year when it comes to gift-buying (which I dread because I suck at it), second only to Christmas. Karen and Macy have birthdays not a week apart, followed by our wedding anniversary — our eleventh to be precise. A good friend of ours, Jen, was gracious enough to watch the kids so we could actually celebrate it this year. Last year, our ten year "aluminum" anniversary was celebrated with some quick "Happy Anniversaries" amidst trying to sell our home and move to Austin due to the new job. This year, we at least got to dress up and hit Ruth's Chris downtown for fabulous steaks then catch a movie: Balls of Fury (my choice... and I've already apologized... numerous times).

Thanks, Joe, for spurring me to post something. It was long overdue! Love your blog, btw. :)

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